ilmb pg22

This arc is now finished. Tuesday’s page will start the next one which will still be the same day but the 2 of them after school.

So I have been looking at Kickstarters and have mocked up an idea for what the tiers could be in a ILMB kickstarter. be sure to let me know in the comments what you all think, I know most of my audience is usually pretty mum, but I love hearing from you all so comment anytime about anything 🙂


1$    get your name added to the thankyou page in the back of the book for helping it be possible

5$ a digital wallpaper and name added

10$ goodie bag: notecard sketch, sticker, and a bookmark. as well as name added to thankyou page.

10$ the book and your name added to the thankyou page

12$ Digital goodie bag:   a pdf ebook of the book, wallpaper and 5 exclusive digital pinups of ILMB characters and name added to thankyou page.

20$ the book, an ebook version the wallpaper the 5 pinups a sticker and bookmark and name added to the page.

25$ same as 20 but the book will be signed

30$ same as 25 but also get a copy of my old teaser comic This Place Called Nowhere

35$ same as 30 but also get a poster of both ILMB and TPCN

40$ same as 35 but also get a second copy of ILMB so if you want to keep one pristine

45$ same as 35$ but replace the notecard sketch with a sketched hand drawn commission in the book next to signature of whatever character(s) you may want (limit 5)

50$ same as 35$ but replace the notecard sketch with a  digital speed drawing (basically whatever I can pull off in 1.5hrs am not particularly speedy…) (limit 5)

60$ same as 35$ but replace notecard sketch with a digital black and white commission (basically something on par with the art I do in ILMB) (limit 2)

70$ same as 35$ but replace notecard sketch with a digital color commission (if you’ve seen the pages  from the Zoe VDSD comic comparable to that in art) (limit 1)

80$ same as 70$ but get an extra copy of the books and posters (limit 1)

120$ same as 70$ but get to name a character in the book (I can veto it if you try to name them scroty mc boogerballs or something) (second choice if someone gets the 200$ tier) (limit 1)

200$ Same as 120$ but will also draw YOU into the background of the comic. (limit 1)

^ in my last kickstarter someone selected this tier and they wanted their dog in it instead of themselves. So I drew his dog as a pretty central part of the comic I’d do the same if I can work you in in a natural way but may take a few months to get to a good point, or if not patient  can just throw you in a crowd doing the robot dance or something if you prefer…


and be sure to vote in the poll so I can gauge interest